This practicum was great. One day that stands out is in grade 10 science, genetics unit, we were doing the DNA extraction on strawberries, bananas and oats. It’s not necessarily a classic experiment, but it’s quite popular now and I’ve done it a few times myself. The most comforting aspect of this experiment, is that I’ve done this with grade 3s before, I knew that the grade 10s could handle it.

I’m prepped for two blocks of the same activity. Group 1 comes in, I have my materials laid out, my equipment in it’s designated spot, and the PPE gear ready. The class is an 11/10 success. I found a fund video to explain the process to them, the whole experiment only cost like 25 to 30 bucks.

DNALC Live: DNA Extraction from Wheat Germ | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

When I approached the resource table, little did I know the betrayal that I would find laying there…. I had purchased 6 yards of cheese cloth for 4 dollars. By the end of block 1, there was less than 2 yards. Fear sets in as I’m uncertain if my afternoon group will have enough. Do I run to the store on lunch? Do I search the garbage can?


Having no ability to salvage the used materials, and no time to restock. I set myself to pre-cutting the cloth. All day I wanted to cry about the cloth, but I should have been focusing on the joy my students had! On the clear success of the hook, delivery, and recap. So many things went well in that lab and I cried over a 4 dollar disposable cloth. Moving forward I will remind myself to stay positive!

Boy I sure need a paycheck.