I’m written in journals almost everyday, almost every class since the start of my education degree. Some days I’ve had beneficial learnings, profound observations and recorded some of the great values from my peers. In addition to all of the positive, I’ve recorded some thoughts I wish I could take back.

Recently I’ve started my day by journaling three features of gratitude. Some of the writings are small, attributing awareness to simple things like the smoothness of a pen. Other gratitudes are directed towards life treasures such as my dogs or wife.

I debate the value of setting this mindset. On one had, it is nice to appreciate the things that I already have. This reflection seems to add value to the experiences, connections and opportunities in my life. An additional pro is that it seems to reframe my desires in such a way to diminish the stress associated with their acquisition.

I’m counter to the idea of universal gratitude. I’m genuinely mad some things occur, have occurred, and will continue to occur. By admitting gratitude in comparison, I think I detract agency from myself. Yes my situation might be better now than before, or otherwise, but the motivation kind of hinges on the suffering doesn’t it?

If it doesn’t hinge on the suffering, do I do something else to motivate me?